Sunday, March 25, 2012

finally february..

promise to keep this month to one post, but lots happened so it will be a long one.
one of my dear friends had her sweet baby girl, M on February 13 and i'm pretty sure she's the most beautiful M i've ever seen in the history of ever. she's so teeny tiny. mama and baby are well and at home getting to know each other. i'd post a picture of the cuteness, but i haven't asked Sarah so I can't do that yet. so instead i'll post a picture from her baby shower (and my friends happen to be gorg). needless to say a very exciting day before valentine's day!

at work i was hella busy with events, etc. P wasn't so much, but his march was set to be busy so I knew that we wouldn't see each other much the next couple of months. definitely a bummer, but it just made valentine's day more enjoyable. dinner at our favorite fort worth restaurant, Lambert's (just closed a few weeks ago. sad face.) with some close friends the weekend before and on the day of just hanging out at home together. The day started with valentines from my awesome colleagues, followed by beautiful tulips, my favorite, sent to me by P and i sent him a ding dong cake. :) his version of was delicious! i lvoe valentine's day - i think celebrating love is awesome, but i think having a day to celebrate one of the greatest gifts in life is awesome!

next up was a visit to the Dallas Art Museum for the gaultier exhibit. i do not have words for how amazeballs this was...what a great exhibit. i really enjoyed this one. of course there were no photos inside, but i did shoot one so you can get a baby taste of it. he's an amazing designer and really his expression through design and fabric is truly incredible and so fun!

other than that, Feb was pretty boring. i'll end it with a biscuit recipe i made in Feb. these biscuits were the bomb and easy peasy. i really like cooking from a video because you can pause, rewind and really see the correct form to make sure you aren't over-mixing, kneading too much or just plain doing it wrong. so you will see videos pretty oftern from me. :)
here is the result of my labor. i absolutely love the chunks of butter you can see in the biscuit dough and watching it translate into a flaky biscuit. seriously amazing the science that happens in cooking. and eventhough my mother is a chemist, i was/am terrible at science. yikes!

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